June 13, 2011

Home may change, but the sweetness will remain.

Today marks the day where our box house in no longer ours. This box house is small, but it's full of warmth; something that we will never be able to forget even as time passes by. This box house is where we grow up, where we drew and marked our heights on its wall, where we ran around between its small rooms.

After this, this house will change, I'm pretty sure of it. The interface will be renovated and redecorated that I wonder if any traces of our house will remain how it used to be. I hope box house will be able to bring the same happiness to its owner, sobs.

If a house was to have a spirit along with it, then I hope box house's spirit will follow us to the new house. If not, then;

be happy, box house. the times we share together will forever be in my heart, 143.

today is 13 june 2011

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