March 8, 2012

Long cut short.


it has been like what, 5 months since my last post  ? Wow. Ceh, not like I never went on a long hiatus like that before, haha. Deepest apologies.

In a 5 months period, a lot of things have changed (for me).


It is now 2012!! (Thank you, Captain Obvious). I've only made a new resolution recently, that is to travel with my friends, and I am hoping that we can do that every now and then, or at least once a year. Better start saving those pennies!


My family and I have moved, but not too far away from our old house. So no excuses for not coming to visit us!


I've got new housemates! So excited! Okay, this is obviously a lie. We got new housemates every now and then, so nothing really surprised us anymore.


Khan is now a grown up young lady!! (see picture below)

Khan being lazy, sitting around all day.

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